

Our designated person will co-ordinates with child protection issues.We carry out rigorous safety checks on all staff in line with current legislation and all staff is made aware of this and must disclose any reason why they may not be suitable to work with children. Staff records including relevant qualifications are kept in a confidential place. All staff is required to attend Safeguarding training and to ensure that this training is up to date. All visitors to the setting are logged in to our Visitor Logbook and their identification is checked before being allowed admittance into the nursery. Student/Volunteers are never left unsupervised. Staff/ students/ volunteers are not permitted to access their mobile phones during nursery hours.

We acknowledge that abuse of children can take different forms – physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. When children are suffering from any of these abuses, they demonstrate some of the following traits: Significant changes in their behaviour; Deterioration in their general well-being; Their comments which may give cause for concern, or things they say (direct or indirect disclosure); Changes in their appearance, their behaviour or play; Unexplained bruising, marks and signs of possible abuse or neglect; Any reason to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting.

Recording suspicions of abuse and disclosures:

Where a child makes comments to a member of staff that gives cause for concern (disclosure), or if a member of the staff observes any one of the above mentioned signs of abuse or neglect in a child, that staff member complies with the following procedure. They listen to the child and offer re assurance and give assurance that an action will be taken; they do not question the child; A written record is made which forms an objective record of the observation or disclosure. These records include , the date and time of the observation or disclosure, the exact words spoken by the child, the name of the person to whom the concern was reported with date and time and the name of any other person present at that time. These records are signed and dated and kept in the child’s personal file which is kept securely and confidentially.

The Manager or designated person is informed, who acts accordingly in regards to ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused’ publication. Parents are informed unless they may place the child in danger. The Manager will contact the CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION under child protection and rights.

Any allegations against a member of staff are recorded and the relevant bodies are informed. Our Whistle blowing Policy states the procedure for how staff may inform on a colleague if they have any concerns about the following: Conduct which showcases any offense or breach of law; Disclosures related to miscarriages of justice; Health and safety risks; The unauthorised use of funds; Possible fraud and corruption; Physical abuse of children or staff or any other unethical conduct. The layout of the room ensures that all areas are visible and the curriculum delivered to the children covers discussions about how to keep safe and recognise danger.


The premises have been passed by the Environmental Health & Safety Officer and the Fire Officer. The premises are covered by public liability insurance. Equipment is checked daily to make sure that it is safe. We ensure safety at all times and fire drills are held.

The attendance register is marked as each child arrives, with the time of their arrival documented, in case of evacuation of the building. The main door is kept locked throughout the morning and the children are supervised during outdoor play. We have a CCTV camera which monitors the gate area.

The staff is on duty at all times during the morning. At the end of the session the key person’s ensure that children in their respective groups are collected safely. We operate on a ‘password system’ whereby each child’s parent is given a unique password which they must pass on in the event of someone new collecting their child. If they do not have the password, your child will not be released to them without first checking with the parents. We cannot let a child leave with someone that we do not know. Parents are asked to inform the staff of any changes to normal collection routines. These details are then entered into the Collection Book.

First Aiders are in attendance at all times and there is a well-stocked first aid kit available in both halls and outside. In the event of an accident, a child would be taken to MINT MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL ADAYAR., accompanied with their key person until a parent or carer arrives. All accidents are recorded in the Accident Record Book, which the parent/ carer will be asked to sign. A copy of the record is given to the parent. All incidents are recorded in the Incident Book by the staff and we follow all relevant procedures and regulations in accordance with our Health and Safety Policy.

Infectious diseases should be reported to the staff immediately. If a child is suffering from high temperature, diarrhea or vomiting then he/ she should be kept at home for 48 hours to ensure that they have recovered, and also to prevent the spread of infection to other children and staff. Smoking is strictly prohibited.


We aim to treat everybody at Avani Chadhurvethi International Play School as an individual regardless of race, religion, sex, nationality or ethnic origin and disability or belief. As far as we are concerned, everyone has different needs and will be treated on an individual basis with equal care and attention being given to each person. Activities and equipment offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination.

We seek to recognise festivals from different cultures, throughout the year and encourage parents/ carers/ staff/ children to contribute to these whenever possible.


We follow our settling in policy when new children join the setting. We work very closely with parents to settle the child in, before the parents withdraw and hand over to the staff. Each child is an individual and will respond differently to joining the nursery. The child’s key person spends time with the child introducing them to the nursery routines and activities and completes a settling in diary for parents to read at the end of the day, during the child’s first week. Parents are requested to register their child, when they arrive and to collect their child on time at the end of the session. We have a password system in operation if a parent is ever unable to collect their child.


AvaniChadurvethi International Play School aims to create a happy and caring environment, where each child is able to achieve their full potential. We aim to be positive and consistent in our behaviour management and any action which is meant to cause pain or humiliation to a child would never be used. Whenever possible, it is explained to the child why their behaviour is unacceptable when there is disruption to other children. Staff sets limits and follow these through with explanations helping children to learn the difference between right and wrong, thereafter learning self-discipline. We seek to give praise and give approval wherever possible. In the event of constant unacceptable behaviour from any child, a meeting is held with the parents to find a suitable strategy. We use props and story books to allow children to express their feelings.


Our Complaints Policy sets out a complete procedure, of how a complaint is followed once made against the setting or any member of the staff CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION is 1098.


All staff/ students/ volunteers are bound by our Confidentiality Policy. They must not disclose any information or records about the children of the setting.


We carry out risk assessment for both indoor and outdoor every day in the morning. Throughout the day the staff stay vigilant regarding safe guarding issues and health and safety. We have a six weekly fire drills to teach children about fire safety. During activity centre time we also make children aware of stranger danger, hygiene, road safety and general manners.